Sunday, July 04, 2004

Mt. Garfield July 3, 2004

Spectacular 360-degree views awaited us at the summit. Today marked a milestone for our family hikes; we hiked 10 miles and climbed 3000 feet. Garfield was a good introduction to those distances as the trail is one of the gentlest in the Whites for a high peak. Most high peak trails are far rougher and steeper.

Although the views are 360 degrees the photos at the summit are in one direction only east. If you plan on using a digital camera to photograph high contrast shots be careful what you buy. Our old 2-year-old Kodak easily captured the various hues of the mountains and the contrasting sky. Unfortunately the camera recently failed. The shots on our Mt. Cannon hike were taken with a new Canon A75. Most of those shots failed. The photos were too dark and the forests turned out almost black. We sent that camera back and purchased a new Kodak 7430. Most of those shots were as bad. A hiker at the peak told us his new HP R707 with "adaptive light technology" easily handles the contrasts so we will probably try that one next. Curious though –our two-year old digital Kodak had no problems in the mountains. It consistently took great shots. Indeed I can remember taking photos in the Whites with disposable cameras that easily handled the contrasts

Distance: 10 miles. Climb 3000 ft. Elevation 4500 ft.

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